Tax Planning and Advice

Effective Tax Planning Strategies for Investors and High-Income Earners, Sydney 


Many Australians invest in property, financial markets, cryptocurrency and other assets, both overseas and right here at home. The income from these investments can run into thousands of dollars and even higher — so it’s important to ensure you have effective tax planning strategies to protect your investments and reduce your tax bill.

Wealthcrest Accountants offer expert tax advice for individuals, making sure accurate records are maintained — and meeting compliance with reporting investment income. It’s essential that capital gains or losses on the disposal of assets are dealt with properly, so as an investor, you receive the concessions you may be entitled to.

Tax implications of buying and selling investments are often complex, which is why good advice is vital and can potentially save you thousands of dollars. So if you are wondering, how do high-income earners reduce taxes in Australia? — Wealthcrest Accountants can provide you with the answers. We offer a fixed fee, hassle-free service, communicating with you in a language you can understand without all the technical jargon.

Make the most of your investments and income by contacting Wealthcrest Accountants for a meeting today.

Wealthcrest: Tax Effective Accountants

Looking for ways to reduce taxable income in Australia can be time-consuming and stressful for investors and high-net-worth individuals (HNI). Wealthcrest provides tax services and advice across the board for investors in property, equity, cryptocurrencies and much more.

We understand that there are many tax strategies for high-income earners in Australia, and in Sydney in particular. We take each case on its merits and ensure you receive advice and solutions tailored to your individual needs. Some of the services we offer include:

  • Tax services for Investors.
  • Proactive tax planning and advice.
  • Capital gains tax calculation and advice.
  • Optimising negative gearing for property investors.
  • Succession planning.
  • Insurance reviews.
  • Liaison with the Australian Taxation Office.
  • Taxation due on overseas investments.
  • Advise and set-up of tax-effective asset holding structures (like Discretionary and Fixed Unit Trusts).
  • Asset protection strategies.
  • … and more.

Wealthcrest adopts a proactive approach to planning your taxes. We employ strategies to keep your tax down during the fiscal year by constantly monitoring your ongoing financial situation for changes. Optimising your cash flow by deferring payments as long as we can, in line with regulations, can help with short-term requirements.

To find out how we can protect your wealth and optimise your tax obligations, contact us for a consultation.

Why Choose Wealthcrest Accountants, Bella Vista, Sydney?

Wealthcrest Accountants is a CPA firm, so you know you are receiving a service from someone with accounting, finance and professional business knowledge. We also have a team of trusted partners we can call on, from lawyers, financial experts, brokers and insurance experts. We want to protect your assets and help you increase your wealth — all for a fixed fee. 

We offer you what you might view as all the traditional aspects of tax and investment advice, as well as risk management, strategic asset protection and succession planning. You’ve worked hard for your wealth, so we want to help protect it across future generations through things like family trusts.

Expertise in Taxation of Property Investments

Property, both here in Australia and overseas, is an increasing form of investment for high-income earners. Each country around the world will have its own set of rules and tax implications. Wealthcrest investment property tax accountants have a network of contacts both in Australia and internationally, to assist in expanding your empire and saving you money on taxes.

We make sure you can benefit from any incentives that might be in place — and our rental property tax accountant can advise on protecting any income from letting your investment out. 

Accountant Bella Vista
Bella Vista Accountants

Personal Approach

Choosing an accountant is a decision requiring a great deal of consideration. With more than 15 years of experience in accounting for both investors and HNI clients, we bring an abundance of expertise to our partnerships. We focus on delivering strategic taxation solutions tailored to each individual’s requirements — after all, we appreciate that no two sets of circumstances are the same. 

By looking at your situation in its entirety and communicating with you, we get the full picture. We can then make sure that your options are explained clearly and concisely, without any technical jargon. We want you to be actively involved in decisions that affect your assets and investments, and ultimately your increased wealth.

Bella Vista Accountants

Contact us to book a meeting and find out how we can protect and increase your assets and wealth.

Flexibility and Fixed Fees

Providing you direct access to an experienced property and investment accountant with expert taxation knowledge, and our trusted panel of experts covers all bases. We understand that investments and assets can be fluid, and make sure you don’t pay out more than you should in taxes — whether you are purchasing or realising their value.

Following an assessment, we are able to fix our fees for the services we agree on. This gives you peace of mind that you know exactly what you are paying for — a first-class service from a reputable, honest and reliable accountant. 

Accountant Bella Vista

Contact us and put your tax planning strategies for your investments in place.